Multidisciplinary screening


People with cancer can present with a myriad of issues that are beyond the scope of the exercise professional. It is important to screen for additional problems during your exercise rehabilitation assessment so you can refer to the appropriate disciplines within or outside your health service or practice. This may include referral to a dietitian, occupational therapist, psychologist or social worker. 

Below are common screening tools used in oncology rehabilitation to identify onward referrals to other members of the multidisciplinary team: 

What to screenWhat toolWho to refer
Supportive CareDistress Thermometer and Problem ChecklistAny member of the multidisciplinary team depending on which problem(s) is identified
Emotional DistressPHQ-4 Psychologist
Nutritional StatusMalnutrition Screening Tool Dietician
Occupational Therapist
FatigueNew Energy Screening ToolOccupational therapist
Exercise Physiologist

*NB screening tools may require licence